DJI Mavic Mini vs Syma X5SW

September 07, 2021

DJI Mavic Mini vs Syma X5SW

Drones are a lot of fun to fly, and they can also be useful tools for photography and videography. Two popular drones on the market are the DJI Mavic Mini and the Syma X5SW. Both drones are great in their own ways, but they also differ in a number of ways. In this post, we'll compare the two drones and help you decide which one is right for you.

DJI Mavic Mini

The DJI Mavic Mini is a small, lightweight drone that is easy to fly. It has a maximum flight time of 30 minutes and can fly up to 4 kilometers away. The Mavic Mini also has a 3-axis gimbal that stabilizes the camera and ensures smooth footage. The camera itself can capture images at 12 megapixels and shoot video at 2.7K resolution.

Syma X5SW

The Syma X5SW is an affordable drone that is great for beginners. It has a maximum flight time of around 7 minutes and can fly up to 50 meters away. The X5SW also has a built-in camera that can capture images at 2 megapixels and shoot video at 720p resolution.


With the specs out of the way, let's get into the comparison. Here are the key differences between the DJI Mavic Mini and the Syma X5SW:

DJI Mavic Mini Syma X5SW
Price Expensive Affordable
Flight Time 30 minutes 7 minutes
Maximum Range 4 kilometers 50 meters
Camera 12 megapixels, 2.7K resolution 2 megapixels, 720p resolution
Gimbal 3-axis No
Weight 249 grams 100 grams

As you can see, the DJI Mavic Mini is far superior in terms of specs, but it also comes at a much higher price point. The Syma X5SW, on the other hand, is significantly cheaper and is a great option for beginners who just want to get started with drones.


In conclusion, both drones have their pros and cons. If you're looking for a high-quality drone with excellent specs, go for the DJI Mavic Mini. But if you're just starting out and don't want to spend a lot of money, the Syma X5SW is a great option. Whichever one you choose, you're sure to have a lot of fun flying and capturing footage.


  1. DJI Mavic Mini
  2. Syma X5SW

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